Category: Sermons
Sermon on “The New Life in Christ”
“Is the life of a Christian in any way different from the life of one who is not Christian? If I become a Christian, will my life, my outlook, my way of viewing things be changed and altered?” (7/21/63)
Deepening Our Ties To Others
A story of how one individual helped many people, and how we can too. (3/24/63)
Hearing And Believing We Are Children of God
Evangelism: hearing, believing, and sharing the good news – as children of God, we are all loved by God. Every single one of us. (1/20/63)
Birth and Rebirth
From the ordinary to the extraordinary. From the humble birth of one at the first Christmas to the rebirth of anyone able to accept God’s forgiving love. (12/23/62)
The Times That Try Men’s Souls
Some of Dad’s sermons are of historical interest, including this one. He preached it as the Cuban Missile Crisis, probably the closest our world came to full-scale nuclear war during the Cold War, was winding down. (11/4/62)